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Links and recommendations

Useful resources

The links presented are for your guidance to help you grow in the knowledge of the Word of God and the things of God. They are a selection of sites that we find useful. They are not advertising links.

Here is a selection of English-language links for which we know the authors or the published material for which we are free to recommend them.

Don’t look at appearances. Although some of these sites have a simple appearance, the content present on these sites is of very high quality to deepen the Scriptures.

(Links are ordered by category and alphabetically.)

The site contains many Bible commentaries as well as articles on Biblical topics and on many areas of practical Christian living. It also provides links to other Christian websites. And all of this partly on over 40 languages. Enjoy it!
— There is a lot of very good material to read! (They also have a very nice list of links to other sites. Go check it out!)
Crosspaint’s mission is to ignite a passion in people for Jesus. We believe only the Bible and the Holy Spirit can do this, so we explain the Bible in easy language and sweet images.
— Simples, short, and profitable presentations.
Grow in Grace
YouTube channel of Grow in Grace.
GrowInGrace.com strives to be a place where the Bible is simply and clearly taught, bringing the world to a more perfect knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. GrowInGrace provides Mp3s, tracts, and conference information for the benefit of all.
Audio teaching in multiple languages. Download and listen to teachings when you are on the go!
Anchors For Life is a Christian ministry that seeks to help individuals anchor their life on the Solid Rock who is Christ by teaching and applying the living Word of God.
Encouraging words from the Bible
(This is a YouTube channel.)
Short video messages by Manuel Dietermann.
On the basics of the Christian faith
— Very nicely presented FAQ.
Teaches God’s word from a Hebrew Messianic perspective.
Life by Faith
(This is a YouTube channel.)
Are you interested in encouraging sermons and sound Bible teaching? Welcome! Our goal is to strenghten the faith of Christians, to encourage them to become faithful disciples of Christ and to provide basic teaching on the Word of God.
The Church Call
(This is a YouTube channel.)
Motivating all Christians to rethink Church biblically and to pursue godly restoration in the Body of Christ. Let’s be ready when He comes!
This website offers you, in the form of a tutorial for young people and teachers, pages with interactive contents, allowing to understand the historical significance of one of the greatest universal inventions.
Words of this Life
(This is a YouTube channel.)
WORDS OF THIS LIFE Bible Meditations by Brian Reynolds. Brief expositional studies of the Word of God to encourage you, Christian, in your personal devotion and study of the Scripture.
We provide real-world answers to the most-asked questions in the vital area of creation/evolution, where the Bible is most under attack today—Genesis.
— A really great source of resources on science and the Bible. They also have a great magazine that I believe young people will like! (I like them!)